Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

Why can't people in africa have medicine?

Because you cannot have pills on an empty stomach

My wife (or husband) told me to get 6 cans of Sprite from the grocery store. I had just realized when I got home that I had picked 7-up

asking for a friend, could anyone please tell me how to politely ask a question for a friend?

Why was the twin towers mad? They want pepperoni but the instead they got plane

How do you get Wacko Jacko to come inside your shop? Have little boys' pants half off!

The boys joking be like. One guy “Balls” all the other guys "hahahahahaha”

Came across the headline this morning whilst reading the paper ...

''Woman beats off Rapist in carpark'' ,

I suppose that was a fair compromise !

Lynx Africa is based on a nice smell . Do you think Lynx England would smell like Stella and disappointment ?

I came across a dead body in the woods. I liked it so much I came again.

Ruin a quote by attributing it to the wrong person "Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened." -Adolf Hitler, 1945