
Won Jokes

The teacher was terrified to hear Little Johnny swear. “I never want you to use language like that again. Where on earth did you pick it up?” “From my father.” said Johnny. “Well, he should be ashamed of himself. And it’s no reason for you to talk like that. You don’t even know what it means.” “I do.” said Johnny. “It means the car won’t start.”


Girlfriend: What would you do if I won the lottery? Boyfriend: I would take half and leave you Girlfriend: Ok cool I won 12 dollars heres 6 and don't come back

Pootin is a pussy won't even fight in the war that he started! Pootin is a pussy and Ukraine is beating Russia's ass!

An orphan boy at my school did really bad in a test and started crying.

I said, “Don’t worry, your parents won’t say anything.”

an apple and a emo are at the top of a tree, they both fall at the same time who hit the ground first? the apple won because the emo had forgotten to connect the internet

Guy it was so weird yesterday I saw a guy and he kept repeating the same thing over and over I hate people with dementia I told my mom to get a new mirror but she she won’t listen to me it’s almost like I sand it like 20 times every time I say it

My buddy and I both wanted to marry a woman who happened to be an amputee. Sadly my buddy won her heart But I got her leg