Mcdonalds has a drive through Twin towers has a fly through
if flappy bird was with the twin towers
A guy was in one of the twin towers and he ordered pepperoni pizza but he didn't get it he got plane instead
For 9 11 i decided to bomb my twins
The twins are falling down
Ever seen twins? If you said yes, was it before or after 2001?
knock knock whos there? twins. twins who? twins go boom boom today on 9/11
Why at the two friends like the twin towers?
They fell apart.
what does the twin towers and school have in common... people jumped off a building to escape it.
What are three things the twin towers have in common with my dad they are big, sexy, and smashed your mom.
what does the twin towers and my ads condom both have in common they both broke and everbody cried
What's the difference between the Twin Towers and the Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Leaning Tower of Pisa has good reflexes
Yall these 9/11 jokes ain't funny I ordered a plaine pizza in the twin towers
What happens when you work in the twin towers. It connects to airplane wifi
Chuck Norris once said that he didn't like a the plane he was riding in. Out of sadness, the plane committed suicide. How you ask? Ask the Twin Towers
What did Osama say after knocking over the twin towers?
He he he haw
Whats the difference between the twin towers and the poeple at the old folks home. They both collapsed
what is the difference between the twin towers and feminism, the twin towers were destroyed by terrorists while feminism was created by terrorists
When you're working in the twin towers and your computer connects to the airplane wifi
Whats dose my dad and the twin towers have in common they used to be with us, now its just a sensitive topic.