
Lmao Jokes

he entered (kinder garten) class the {teacher said luce start for us and say the alphabet) he said a b c d e f g H I J K* just kidding lmno* laugh my nose off (teacher go to the Office right now young man ) i don't understand he just said jokes to the teacher lmao :D

not a joke but i hope the ones who are making jokes abt mexicans are Mexican themselves lmao cuz if ur not uh...i think we both know what you are ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

A Mario & Luigi joke What are the Mario bros' view on child support?

Mario: the parents are obligated to provide for the child and help them the best they could.


What do you call an orphan with parents? Idk I never met one before Bonus joke: I went up to an orphan and asked where his parents were he said โ€œI donโ€™t have anyโ€ I said โ€œwonder whyโ€ Another bonus joke: Me: hey orphan: hey me: what do you do for fun Orphan: look for my parents Me: me so their not dead? Orphan: no they just abounded me More bonusโ€™s: what do you call a homeless kid An orphan last bonus Why donโ€™t orphanages teach kids about home Because they canโ€™t find one lmao this is so funny dark humor can be funny sorry orphans


A NASA scientist is sitting in a bar when a Martian walks in and orders a martini. The NASA scientist quickly realizes he is dreaming and wakes up. He turns to his wife and tries to explain the dream, but she rolls over and ignores him because she is tired of listening to him. The NASA scientist begins to sob because his marriage is in shambles. lmao

The priest wantes the little boy to touch his cross the boy said its hard then it shot out holy water and the priest said come again and taste the second cumming of jesus lmao

Me: Mom i think i need to go to the hospital ......Mom: OMG Why son ......Me: Idk whats wrong but everytime i close my eyes i can see

.....Think about it then spread LMAO