The Ketchup Conundrum

How much of a homophobic heterosexual man are you? I'm so homophobic I won't suck a big dick that has ketchup on it.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you chucklehead. You think you're being all edgy and funny with this 'homophobic' bit, but let's be real, it's just a gross-out gag disguised as a statement. Basically, you're saying you're so anti-gay that you wouldn't even touch a dick if it had ketchup on it. Newsflash: that's not homophobia, that's just being picky about condiments. You're trying to be offensive, but you're mostly just being silly and, let's face it, kinda disgusting. It's absurd, it's lowbrow, but hey, you're the one who thought of it, not me.

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