Surgical News

A man wakes up from his operation, and the doctor says, "I have bad news and good news, what do you want to hear first?"

The man says, "Bad," so the doctor says, "During the surgery, your girlfriend decided to leave a message that she’s leaving you for another man."

The man says, "What’s the good then?" And the doctor says, "I’m picking her up at 7."



Explain Bear

Okay, so basically this dude is waking up from surgery, probably feeling all kinds of pain. And the doc is like, "I got bad news and good news!" The dude is like, "Hit me with the bad news first." So the doctor drops this bomb that his girlfriend dumped him for another dude while he was unconscious! Can you imagine? The dude is shocked but asks what the good news is, and the doctor is like, "I'm picking her up at 7!" See, it's funny because the doctor is the other dude! You are probably not getting any dates, btw.

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