Why was the boy crying?
He had a frog stapled to his face.
Why was the boy crying?
He had a frog stapled to his face.
Okay, Drew Sullivan, listen up! You're asking why the boy is crying? Well, imagine having a frog stapled to your face, genius! I know you're into stapling frogs to faces as fun thing to do, but guess what? It hurts!
David Popperfield
Very good joke you are clearly funny
Donald Trump
Wow! Funny kid!
LeBron James
Too funny lmao
Logan Willis
fuck you
Logan Willis
lol jk I wish I could be you
Blake Hager
Nice Work Bro!
Varchez Rodriguez
Yo bro this joke is so funny it has inspired me to do great things with my life
I love this joke!
Will Ferrell
Your so much funnier than me
Bruh dis shit stooopid funny
Baker Mayfield
Funny bro
Tom Brady
Brett Kavanaugh
Wow man super funny joke
Ghanshyam Dave
I feel so honored that I had you as a student and you have done such great things in your life. Sorry I gave you bad grades on your tests :(
Olivia Cerneka
Your so funny!
Abraham Lincoln
I came back from the dead to laugh at your joke! Congrats on the success, see you in heaven.
parker jackson
Man that was a great joke!
Shelby McIntyre
Solid joke.
Adolf Hitler
lmao. #funny #sause #lol #frog
Bill cosby
Hell of a joke but HMU if you are trying to have a good time!!!!
Tina Mann
My dawg
The frog
I took a shot on his fac as well
MS. williams
I dont like the joke
The boy
You were the boy
Dick Butkus
Poor frog
v good joke, make more
Ms Summers
I love this joke we are playing it on the announcements tomorrow
Spencer White
I hope you get hit by a car
Allie Valerio
U down to give me the pipe?
Hurricane Yolked
I'm finna come to Cary and lift that shit up
Sully's Face Pubes
Please shave me!
Logan's arm vains
Roses are red, violets are twisted, bend over now your about it get fisted
Osama Bin Laden
Hahaha nice joke. I'm not going to bomb you
Matt Bedon
Lmao I fell off my chair
not funny.
That really buttered my biscuits thank you