Sister's Period Taste Test

How do you know your sister is on her period? Your dad's c**k tastes like s**t!



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you degenerate! This "joke" is about incest and menstruation. The punchline suggests that the dad is sleeping with his daughter (the sister), and the taste of his "member" indicates she's menstruating. It's messed up, son.

Comments (116)

As you know, I was really freinds with Rylee, and cayley was one of my best friends. Till both of them, what happens with toast.

but I'm going to be honest

I care for toast like I'd care for a real child, its just how it is.

I am mature when it comes to him, and I'd gladly pick him up once no one can in the middle of the night.

66 additional comments

I like my pfp so we should find ones

Comment deleted by Anonymous

lemme get an okay from luiz