Old woman: You are such a darling child. Please come and see me again next year.
A year later, as child walks up to the door of the old lady's house...
Old woman: Oh my! Goodness sakes, child! Have you grown, or have I shrank???
Child: Both.
Hey, listen up, genius! So, the old lady is all surprised that the kid seems bigger. But the kid's a smart aleck and says they BOTH changed. Meaning the kid grew up like they're supposed to, and the old lady shrunk down 'cause, duh, that's what happens when you get old. You wouldn't know about that. It's funny because old people shrink and aren't able to understand a simple concept.
Mr Big Fart
Funny joke Gwendalin
Thanks! Btw the rest of my name would be Gwenivere.
Gwen from leag of legends