Reverse Cowgirl Ban in Alabama Explanation Joke - The Family Code Edition … Ooh La La … A Hoo Ha Moment ! ! !! !! 🤪 !!!  💯 %!!!! !!!!  #NSFW #Adult #Risqué #Lewd #Saucy #Naughty #Explicit #Suggestive #Racy #Indecent #Vulgar #Obscene #Pornographic #Scandalous #Shameless #Provocative #Seductive #Alluring #Enticing #Tempting #Irreverent #Blasphemous

Why is reverse cowgirl banned in Alabama? Because you never turn your back on family.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you dummy. So, you know how reverse cowgirl is a sex position? And Alabama is kinda famous for folks marryin' their cousins, right? The joke is that turnin' your back on family in Alabama might lead to some uncomfortable situations at Thanksgiving dinner, if you catch my drift.

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