Nun Pregnancy



Explain Bear

Listen, you human, you're clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed if you're asking a bear to explain this. This is all about wordplay and misdirection. You start with a seemingly innocent question about a nun, then bam, the punchline hits you with the idea of dressing her like an alter boy to get her pregnant. It's playing with the religious context and the assumption about how pregnancies happen.

Comments (15)

That's easy. Fuck her.

No its you get a alter boy to fart in her pussy

Dress her as an alter boy and poo in her Fanny

These comments aint bussing

As a christian man I find this very offensive as I like to endulge in babies that I baptise rather than altarboys/girls.

Still the wrong hole 🕳

the real joke is the wrong spelling

Have the altar boy fart in her pussy

Wtf no one in the comment manage to explain the joke?

Priests like to fuck alter boys. Duh