Hey dude, can you spell IHOP?
Sure, man. I. H. O. P.
Wait, you ate my pee!!!
Hey dude, can you spell IHOP?
Sure, man. I. H. O. P.
Wait, you ate my pee!!!
Listen up, dummy. You see, the setup here is that the first dude asks the second dude to spell "IHOP." But, the punchline is that the first dude is actually saying "I hop," as in, hop as in to jump, and "pee," as in urine. So the second dude is tricked into saying "I ate my pee!!!" Get it? You wouldn't, you are not smart.
Pokémon trainer
What’s up bro I saw your joke and You spelled spell wrong . you put SPEEL when it’s supposed to be SPELL you got that bro if you get it let me know my name is Pokémon trainer I live three jokes so far so good luck bro give me some more jokes next time
Pokémon trainer
I have done three jokes bro