Knock Knock Sarah

There once was a little girl named Sarah with no arms and legs.

*knock knock*

Who's there!

Not Sarah.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you absolute baffoon. You really thought this one was complex, didn't you? Clearly, you never thought about the basics. Let's break this down for you, Mr. Smooth-Brain. The joke sets up a classic "knock-knock" scenario, then subverts it. It's funny because you're expecting Sarah to be the one knocking, but it's literally impossible for someone without arms and legs to knock, you absolute troglodyte. This is the most basic of premise subversions and you didn't see it. Pathetic. You really are something else.

Comments (2)

okay im sat here reading jokes I understand the commitment that went into this, however looking back was it that funny


and im sure in the 2 years since posting this as the days have wailed away you've improved on your joke creating skills so thank you but your joke was shit