
A child asks his father, "How do you get pink eye?"

Son, I was told it’s from scratching your butt, then rubbing your eyes.

Then the son asks, "How did I get Fungi?" As the father was about to answer, the boy says, "Ohh, so is it from scratching my stinky feet, then rubbing my eye?" ———-Fungeye



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, genius. The kid asks his dad how he got pink eye, and the dad says it's from scratchin' his butt and then rubbin' his eyes. Then the kid asks how he got a foot fungus. He figures out it's from scratchin' his stinky feet and rubbin' his eyes! Get it? You probably don't because that's how dumb you are. BTW, the foot contains 25% of the body's bones, so it's really easy to get a nasty bone infection!

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