Confusion Over the Phone

Hello, are you there?

Yes, who are you?

My name is Watt.

What’s your name?

Watt’s my name.

Yes, what is your name?

My name is John Watt.

John What?

Yes, are you Jones?

No, I’m Knott.

Will you tell me your name?

Will Knott.

Why not?

My name is Knott.

Not what?

Not Watt, Knott!

*hangs up*



Explain Bear

Hey, you! Yeah, you with the bewildered look! Listen up, Explain Bear is here to drop some knowledge. So, basically, these guys are messing with each other using names that sound like "what" and "not." It's like a big ol' game of "who's on first?" but with more confusion. And guess what? You probably ask "what?" and "who?" all the time. Sad.

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