I told my mom that I have a crush. She replied with: "So you like girls?" I said: "Uhm no no no." BUT I'm lesbian. Someone help, how do I tell her without her hitting me with a belt?
Coming Out to Mom Is Hard When You Fear the Belt
The person is trying to come out to their mom as a lesbian, but they're worried about their mom's reaction. The mom made a guess about them liking girls, and they denied it at first even though it's true. The fear of getting hit with a belt is also a hint that this is probably not a new thing in their family.
meh not putting my name
I'm sorry you feel unsafe coming out, but my recommendation is just not to tell her at least till you have moved out and can financially support yourself.
Brittany Lyle
Fuckkk that gir!! You should be able to feel safe n secure in your own home as well as comfortable in your own skin most importantly in the place your naturally supposed to be 100% SECURE AND COMFY NMW AND IF YOUR MA DONT LIKE IT THEN FKKK HER GIRL JUST ASK HER TO have a serious convo when you’re both having a slow pretty decent day... && make sure BEFORE you ask her tt that you check all surrounding areas for poasible weapons & make sure she ain’t wearing belt on the day of the talk!!Goodluck
Not important
You get your mom super drunk but to the point she can still remember things but can't do anything you tell her and wait to see what happens
My advice is to just come out to someone u really really trust and then act normal and then when u feel comfortable tell her you shouldn't have the fear of telling ur mom about being lesbian without getting beat🤬🥺
just tell her straight and where about 10 pair of clothes
Just tell her say ur bi and it's alot easya or say hey at lest I won't get pregnant
tell her when she’s in a good mood hide all the belts shoes and hangers hide anything that fits in her hand. and i’m sorry you feel unsafe 🥺💖
Just dont like girls