Two men walked into a bar, and one man asked for H20, and the other man asked for H20 too.
Only one man came out alive.
Two men walked into a bar, and one man asked for H20, and the other man asked for H20 too.
Only one man came out alive.
The joke plays on the fact that H2O is the chemical formula for water, and H2O2 is the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide, which is poisonous if ingested. The first man asked for water, while the second unknowingly asked for hydrogen peroxide.
I get this one, H202 is Hydrogen Peroxide, which kills you because it's extremely corrosive.
Thank u I didn't get it
how did u not get it tho?!?!
Two men walked into a bar and one man asked for H20 and the other man asked for H20 too.
The second man was perfectly fine, because the bar tender wasn't a scientist so he didn't know what H202 was, so he just got 2 waters......