Depression jokes are wrong, stop making them; they're cruel and nasty. So stop; people are feeling like they're hated when they read your orphan jokes or depression jokes, so PLEASE stop.
Against Depression Jokes
Explain Bear
Listen up, buttercup. This ain't a joke. Some folks get the sads, real bad. Making fun of it is like kicking a puppy, and nobody likes a puppy-kicker. You probably need a hug, you sad sack.
What’s the difference between an apple and a depressed kid? The Apple falls from the tree
The rope stops the depressed kid
Jokes are the way of coping with it, and if you think they're nasty then you should go, you don't get dark humor :)
we are all here together
dude he's right i suffer from depression and some of the jokes are nasty and are making fun of others.
I agree 100% with Darkwolf. And he is one of ten sane people I've met on this site.
Anonymous bob
I don’t wanna be mean or anything but if u don’t like the jokes then don’t come on this app
To the guy asking what joy I find in suicide/ depression jokes, the answer is simple. I make suicide jokes to cope with my crippling depression. Must be working, cause I’m still here.
I suffer from Severe Depression and I’ve had it for over 4 years. This coping mechanism of dark twisted jokes is what some people need to find the will to live! There are so many different coping mechanisms. Some people do drugs, self harm, and some make jokes. If you don’t like the way we cope, then you can head right out. •Different things bring different people joy•
I understand Ayla. I do want to tell you a way to at least find some hope- to stop being depressed I mean. I always ask God for help and he helps me. If you don't have a bible, try asking a friend if you can barrow there's. Try reading it and praying. He has always helped me and he'll help you. -Gwen
if you don't like it don't go on this app cause some people do like them
I was trying to help.
UwU Papi
Darkwolf no brainer
what stops a depressed kid when they fall down a tree? a rope
mr tinted
then just get off this website
You are not funny, I didnt laugh you aboslute cmoptuer butt sniffing butt sniffer.
lol just leave
These jokes are a way to cope with their mental health. If you don't like it, just leave!
"Hey strangers whose struggles I don't know or care about! stop trying to cope with your problems in life through comedy with darker undertones, and harsh reality, because as an ignorant person who doesn't personally find them funny, I'm going to pretend I care about the people who I think this could be harmful towards and defend them! I most likely never ACTUALLY donated or helped any orphans, or charities that deal with mental health issues in MY LIFE, and I don't plan to but DARN IT, I HATE your sense of humor and want you to hate yourselves for hating yourselves!"
If you don't like it leave.
Kill me
Stop making people feel bad for putting there jokes out.
Kill me
like leave for fucks sake no one will care