
Here’s a trick I learned to do on the calculator

Sally had 69 boobs (69) which was too too too many (69222) so she went to the the doctor on 51st street (6922251) and he said to take a certain pill 8 times a day (6922251 times 8), which left her (flip your calculator over)



Comments (39)

it is actually: A girl had 69 boobs(69) she thought that was too too too many(69222) So she went on 51st street(6922251) to see doctor x(6922251x) Doctor x did something really weird; he ate all her boobs! (692251x8) which left her (flip the calculator) Boobless

Another one: a girl who was 13 (13) wore a size 84(1384) but wanted to be a size 45(138445) So she went to the doctor and the doctor says oh(1384450) take these tablets two times a day(13844502) instead she took them four times a day (13844502x4) and she ended up.....(flip calculator around)

uhm, in reply to 'hi'... how does the X part fit into the joke? she was posta take 2 and took 4 instead... shouldn't there be something said about the X here?

um for reall the 5 dont look like a "S"

I heard the joke before as... I knew a 69 year old lady who had too too too (222) many you know what. She went down 51 street to meet Dr. X. She has 8 operations and came out..... (flip the calculator)

To say to hi l would like to say that l wanted a different saying like the boobless thing but l like that it was different.

19 additional comments

There was once a sexy lady who wore a 69 sized bra tthat was 2 2 2 big.she went to 51st street to see dr x who gave her 8 pills which left her...

Back in my day it was: Sally had sex with 69 guys which her dad said was 222 many so he sent her to 51 st to meet doctor times X he have her 8 operations which left her BOOBLESS or 55378008 πŸ˜‚

Oh, I learned it as… There was a girl who had a size 69 bra which was 222 big so she took the number 51 bus to see dr x who gave her 8 pills which left her…