Feminist vs. Suicide Vest

What's the difference between a feminist and a suicide vest?

At least one does something when it is triggered.




This is a dark, offensive joke that plays on stereotypes about feminists and implies that they are ineffective or don't make a difference. The humor comes from the shocking comparison to a suicide vest, highlighting the violent and destructive nature of the comparison. The punchline is that unlike the feminist, the vest does what it's designed to do.

Comments (44)

First if all, I'm triggered and look bitch I'm doing something. I'm sticking up for wemons rights. That comment was un needed and you can go Fuck yourself. The reason why feminist are hated is because wemon are hated. Whether you think that or not. A lot of times we can't do anything about it is because wemon are under estimated all around the world and we are not heard! For example girls in Nigeria being kidnapped,raped And killed. I want to do something and one day I will.


Its spelt women not wemon

Hippoty hoppity WOMEN ARE PROPERTY

Actually that was a bad joke sorry dont want to offend anybody i take it back

Olivia Anne: OVARY-act much?

Poogas is egg-zactly on point. Did you cum up with that in the sperm of the moment?

Ur so sexist you dumb wad piece of sit

Ill tell a joke! You and your fellow orange president

Let's play spot the feminists without sense of humour... Oh wait, they already showed themselves, don't they know the rules? Smh

im fine with feminists. its just the ones who spew bullshit that piss me off. and BTW, fuck that oompa loompa

Haha that’s a good one.

Lmao, Olivia and Anonymous are sooo butthurt! Nice job!

the people that disliked this are feminist

no one talking qbout suicide vests. BRILLIANT

A man crashes his car into his wife. Whose fault is it?

The man, he shouldn't have been driving in the kitchen.

I'm a woman and guess what? I hate feminists because most you just cry and bitch about EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING. No wonder y'all arent heard anymore, no one wants to hear ya dumbass bullsbit and whines. 🙆💁 I work at a sawmill on the greenchain amd I'm the only woman there. Lmao. Doing a MANS job. We are equal to them. Go take your bullshit else where. 💁

Also, you have no clue if it was a man or woman who posted this. Lmao. Bet you all scream rape when someone brushes against you by accident also huh?

lmao people are so butthurt because of this. it's a good joke.

The suicide vest are proud to be some of the most resourceful people around and they just told me they were happy to beat the feminist at being useful

death to the FEMIES, death to the FEMIES, death to the FEMIES

@F... THE FEMIES I am a feminist and maybe I am a little sensitive but that is just because I have gone through some shit. The definition of Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. We just want to make sure everyone has equal opportunities in life. If any of you are black then you should know that the world did not treat white people and black people equally. @OLIVIA ANNE Hedden I completely agree with you

Did this feminist just compare women making .25$ less an hour to the people that went through slavery? This is why nobody takes you seriously.


As a women I am proud to say feminism is worthless thank you, I'm going back to the kitchen

You femnazi's are all sexist yourselves. You talk about an even playing field when really everything goes in your favor because the courts will rule that anything with a cxnt between it's legs is always right. And don't get me started on the mythical pay wage gap.

yes, i agree. These are the worst jokes ever on this site!!!! Worst!

People dont hate women, without where are ya gonna see those sexy bikinis. And if your gonna rant about that at least spell women right....

Olivia Anne. You're right, everybody hates wemon. Its women that we love.

ew it thinks it’s opinion matters

Feminists are mostly ok, you just get a few loud bad apples in the mix

How dare you joke about feminsim you mysognistsic shoivinisitc mysgnoiristic prick. I help women not get harassed and get trauma. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK MEN

Fuck feminist women. They think men hate them. Men only hate feminist karens like you.

All the Fems came here just to criticize the website. OLIVA is obviously a 3 year old if she didn't know how to spell women. The entire point of this website is to make offensive jokes, and if you don't like that, then LEAVE THE FUCKING WEBSITE!

I agree with Shadow and Bamer.