Some people put zodiacs on everything They said they couldn’t go to the party bc of cancer
So the other day, I was looking up zodiac sign stuff, you know, I'm a real big fan of that, and I come across this thing and it’s like all zodiac signs have their own hairstyles... except Cancer.
When the doctor asks you what your zodiac sign is
You respond: cancer
Doctor says: well what a coincidence!
what zodiac sign has no hair cancer
I walked into the doctor's surgery and he said to me, "Pick a star sign, any star sign." I said, "Capricorn." He said, "Nah, you got cancer."
Every zodiac sign has a hair style except for cancer
My aunt's star sign was cancer, so it's pretty ironic how she died...
She was eaten by a giant crab
Mooning is very ASStrological