You're so poor you put paper cutlery in the dishwasher.
Where do orphans shop for home appliances?
Me- *crying in the shower*
Also me- *why is my toaster in here?*
Why are washers better than babies?
Washers don't cry when you put a load in them.
I bought a ceiling fan the other day.
It was a complete waste of money.
He just stands there applauding and saying, "Ooh, I love how smooth it is."
I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink.
Turns out it was the fridge.
We have some leak in the fridge. I'm surprised nobody has called a plumber.
What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Harley Davidson?
The location of the Dirtbag.
Do you want to buy my Hoover?
I mean... it's just collecting dust.
Yo mama's like a fridge, she breaks down when she loses her cool.