
Cheesy Jokes

"Want to hear a joke about pizza never mind it is to cheesy" -Hello YOU MORON ITS *TOO not TO, IM GOING TO EAT YOU ALIVE AND RIP OUT YOUR PROSTATE

This is bullshit! Stop showing cheesy and dumb jokes! This website is for dark humer, insults and morbid! All of you who don’t talk about the following go die!

Heres some of my weird jokes: What are rhinos? They're unicorns that let themselves go. Joke # 2: Why do triangles try every angle of it's house? Because it's in its name. Joke # 3: Wanna hear a cheesy joke? Sorry, the mouse got to the cheese 1st.

I would tell you a joke about a slice of pizza, but it's really... cheesy. I donut think you will come up with a better pun than this.

If you were a food, what would you be?

Friend 1: "Pizza, cause I'm so cheesy."

Friend 2: "Chocolate chip cookie, cause I have lots of friends."

Me: "Donut, cause I'm so empty inside."