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A kid asks his mom what dark humor is. She says, “You see that man with no arms, tell him to clap.” “But mom I’m blind!” says the kid. “Exactly,” replied the mom.

What do Christians and gays have in common? They both say, “Oh God” when they get on their knees.

What was Morgan Freeman called before the civil war? Morgan.

What’s the difference between Anne Frank and Harry Potter? Only one came out the chamber.

Why do Chinese people like playing Among Us? It’s the only place they can vote!

What’s better than winning gold at the Paralympics? Walking.

Why can’t girls in the middle east smoke weed? Cuz they’ll get stoned.

*someone on here said it previously* My fondest childhood memory was building sandcastles with my grandfather , that is until my mom took the urn away from me

What do you call a man with no arms or legs being pulled by a boat?


What do you call a dog with no legs?

It doesn’t matter; it ain’t coming to you.

Why are there no fat people in Japan? Last time they had a Fat Man 80,000 people died.

What kind of pizza did the twin towers order? Two large plains.

Why do you think China should have a baseball team? They can destroy the entire world with a single bat.

How do you blind an Asian? Put a windshield in front of them.

Why is the Rubik’s cube record holder always American? Cause Americans are really good at separating colors.

Why didn’t Anne Frank just finish her diary? Concentration problems.

Why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs? They don’t want to be mistaken for a feminist.

How do Americans learn the metric system? 9mm at a time. problem is sometimes it goes straight through their heads.