How do rappers like their steaks?
With lots of SIZZLE
In a world bizarre, Penis burgers, strange delight, Tantalizing taste.
Buns shaped curiously, Meat, a bold centerpiece, Lingering delight.
Sizzling grill, they sizzle, Juicy secrets unfold, Hidden pleasures found.
Tempting, yet absurd, Controversial cuisine, Curiosity piques.
Daring, adventurous, Palates embark on a quest, Uncharted flavors.
But let us not dwell, On the phallic form they hold, For taste transcends all.
Beyond flesh-shaped buns, Flavors dance upon our tongues, A feast for senses.
So let us partake, In this culinary art, With open-minded hearts
I was gobsmacked when I encountered the Jacko special at a Bunnings sausage sizzle. A 40 year old sausage on 7-year-old white bread.
What goes pop pop sizzle sizzle? Two dead babies in an acid bath