In what city do you always lose your mum? Mumbai.
One time, me and the bois got drunk and we were on the freeway...
...when the road was closed because a wild animal species named “The Cult” was on the loose
Yo mama so hairy that the zookeepers called a code red thinking an ape got loose.
What's the same with shoes and slaves?
When they get loose, you tie them up.
You're so bad at games, bro, they gave you AIDS before losing! 😹
Why did America loose the chess match?
They were down 2 towers.
Why did the smart orphan loose the tech competition?
The motherboard was no where to be found
My dick's so big, I stuck it in your mom's loose hole.
Why did Stephen Hawking fall over?
'Cause he had a screw loose!
Why did the tiger lose at poker?
Answer: Because he was playing with a cheetah.
What happened when 800 hares got loose in the center of town?
The cops had to comb through the area.
We were so poor my dad would give me a penny not to eat supper.
I'd put it under my pillow and while I was sleeping, he would come in and take it. In the morning, he would holler at me for losing the penny.
What did the undershirt say to the T-shirt when they were fighting?
Get it?
What happens to a baby when you let it run loose? It can't cause it can't run yet.
Three women walk into a bar and start talking about how loose they are. One fits a sausage, another fits a cucumber, the third one slides down the barstool
Ever had a migraine? Yeah, sorry that’s my fault.... couple years ago all my grains got loose.
When a woman removes polish with chemicals, no one bats an eye, but when Hitler removes the Polish with chemicals, suddenly people lose their shit?
When you lose a game of Kahoot, so you kashoot up the school.
My dog was hungry, so I let him loose outside while I filled his bowl.
I found out later that he was run over by a truck. It seemed to really hit the Spot.