They say birds of a feather flock together, so I guess that’s why KRIS and COMMON SENSE haven’t met yet
Kris looks like a Neanderthal, the only difference is that Neanderthals serve a purpose in HUMAN HISTORY
Kris is so dumb that his smartwatch went to NIGHT SCHOOL.
If laughter is contagious, Kris’s jokes are IMMUNITY
Angela: Kris, I just met the nicest, sweetest guy ever.
Kristie: Who is he and what is his name?
Angela: His name is Kevin.
Kristie: Kevin? I remember him. He said he had to go to Italy for a meeting, never seen him after that. What the hell is Kevin doing here?
Angela: I don't know.
Damn this shit!
Megan Thee stalingeon What!
Kris My mother is a fucker!
The whole world
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!