If you were on the Titanic and you didn't leave the ship, what would you do? Just let that sink in.
Titanic Sink
Explain Bear
Okay, listen up, you absolute landlubber. First of all, you probably think the Titanic was a big bathtub or something. It was a massive ship that hit an iceberg and, well, sank. When I say 'let that sink in,' it's wordplay, ya dig? It means 'think about it' but also refers to the ship literally going down. It's a pun, which is like my favorite type of word trick, and it's pretty smart. So, you see, it's not actually about what you would *do* on the boat; it's about the words! It's not hard if you just think about it for two seconds.
That’s pretty good!
Anonymous Titanic Nerd
Good Man!(: