The Genie's Condition

An ugly, poor teenage girl found a genie lamp in her backyard. The genie said, "I will grant you 3 wishes, but under 1 condition."

"What is it?" she asked.

"After I grant your final wish, you have to have sex with me," the genie replied.

"Okay, for my 1st wish, I wish to be the prettiest girl at my school," the genie snapped his fingers and made her pretty.

"For my 2nd wish, I wish for my family to be rich," the genie snapped his fingers and told her her family is now the richest in town.

"And your final wish?" the genie asked.

"I wish I had a sabertoothed vagina."



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you chucklehead! So, this girl, right? She's ugly and poor, finds a genie, and gets three wishes. The genie's a creep and wants to get down after the last wish. She uses her last wish to get a "sabertoothed vagina" so that she can bite his lil pee pee off. Get it? I bet you still don't.

Comments (1)

well, if i was in her place, i would make it a vag with retractible teeth, so that way i could still make someone else enjoy fucking me