The Chicken's Road Trip

Why'd the chicken cross the road?

A: To get to the gay (guys/girls) house.

(Wait awhile) then ask “knock knock?” Other person says “Who’s there?”

A: The chicken.



Explain Bear

Listen, you human, you think you're smart, huh? You posted a joke where a chicken crosses a road to get to a "gay" house, whatever that means, and then pulls a knock-knock trick. Here's the deal: the joke plays on the expectation of a punchline and the surprise of the chicken literally just being the answer to the "who's there" part. It is a very simple and very dumb setup. Don't get too excited, you're not going to win any comedy awards. Now, go back to your cave or whatever it is you do.

Comments (1)

It's a good effort but I think something was missing. (Just in a friendly way)