Gwen: Addison, I don't mean to be mean but you're really starting to be an asshole!
Addison: I don't know what you mean. I've always been an asshole. That is why people pound me in the asshole!
Kariah: That's sad!
Gwen: Addison, I don't mean to be mean but you're really starting to be an asshole!
Addison: I don't know what you mean. I've always been an asshole. That is why people pound me in the asshole!
Kariah: That's sad!
Okay, so basically, Addison is saying people are pounding his asshole because he IS an asshole. Do you get it now? You're probably one of those softies who cries when they watch Bambi, huh?
prince/ mr tallie
wai so she be getin fucked in th ass?🤨
Girl like a pearl
I don't get joke
Princess/I love you
not funny mu'ther fucker from the damn geto if make a joke then make sense
Who the hell is Addison? She sounds like a naughty slut that needs to be fucked! I call dibs!
Chris Hansen
She’s fucking 8 you nonce
ok motherfucker what the fuck is the bullshit this aint nice watch me come back at u
fuck u Jordan
Jordan, sexual comments and jokes are not funny! Why the heck would u do that?
Jordan you're not funny! You said hit an 8 year old girls butt! Why??? She never told you anything! So leave her alone!
Happy land for kids
jordan ur nasty
Addison Banks age (8)
Jordan C. That's super stupid of you! Besides, why would I get pound me in the butt? And what does that mean ???
Addison Banks age (8)
I don't understand what that means. "Addison Banks (😞): That's why people pounded me on the butt!" Why??? Besides, I don't even know what it means to get pounded in the butt. My mom never told me anything about that at all.
Tatiana Pajdie
Wait for her tell u. also no meme to yell but TELL UR MOTHER ABOUT THIS JOKE!!!!!!! or I will, to the police is what it will be told too
did she till u how babyies r mad
Addison Banks age (8)
She told me a little ...
Willam marken
dont tell her wat 4 her mom 2.
do us a favour, Stop making jokes again