*Ring Ring!*
Who’s there?
Soldier who?
You’ve soldier house! Congrats!
*Ring Ring!*
Who’s there?
Soldier who?
You’ve soldier house! Congrats!
Listen up, buttercup. This joke is a classic knock-knock, but instead of a funny name, the punchline is a play on words, see? "Soldier" sounds like "sold your." Get it? It's supposed to be a surprise that someone sold their house. Though, considering you're probably still trying to figure out how to work your TV remote, I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Anna B
Ehh funny😂
Who wrote thissss it’s
I won’t say it’s good okieeeeee
This joke was trending..👌🏼I saw it😂😂 why was it trending though it’s so new to this website lol wtvr who’s ANONYMOUS this is a good joke.
sis girls 1
funny not funnby
person who finds out they’ve sold their house: ummmm🤨😕😦😟😖😨😱 person who told the joke: gets a call and actually finds out he sold his house😱😱😱😱 person who finds out they’ve not sold their house: 😅😅🥳🥳🥳
Luka Griffin
You guys are bots so shut the fück up this shītty website can’t even delete bots