The doctor says to the woman, "There was good and bad news." The woman says she wants the bad news first. The doctor says, "The bad news is the baby had red hair." Then he said, "The good news is, it is dead."
Red Hair Baby
Explain Bear
Okay, Lincoln Busby, you little goofball. You wrote a real head-scratcher here. You see, the joke is funny because it is dark. A doctor gives a woman news about her baby, right? The first news is bad, the baby has red hair. Normally, this wouldn't be so bad, but then he says the good news is the baby is dead. So, they're putting the news about a dead baby in the 'good' category, and that is what makes it so darn funny! It is morbid! You are not smart, kid.
im a red head and thats incencitive
ur mums cooch
Welcome back to another top ten. Today we're covering top ten people who got offended way too easily. Number one, this red head. They clearly don't seem to understand that most of the jokes on this site are insanely offensive but no one takes them too far because they know it's a joke, however this person did, and also can't spell anonymous correctly. XD
wow.. those comments tho... I LOVE THEM OOF
What, did cartman become a doctor?
Didn't spell insensitive right either.