Dahmer's Hobbies

Jeffery Dahmer has two things: an RV and a pit.

What is different about the two is that one can't move and one has gas.

But what is similar is tha-

Wait, what is Jeffery doing? He has a knife, he is pulling men's pants down, he is...OH SHIT WHAT THE F-!

Sorry 'bout that......

Now, as I was saying,

What is similar about the two is that one has and is a cockpit.

Wait, a cockpit- JEFFERY WHAT THE F-!



Explain Bear

Listen up, dummy. Jeffery Dahmer was a real bad dude who did real bad things to men. The "joke" here is that he's up to no good with his RV and pit. The pit is where he dumped bodies and the RV is where he does the cockpit with a dude. You are very dumb for not getting this. Did you know that bears like me eat 40 pounds of food a day?

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