Alaskan Winter

Mom: Anna, let your younger brother have the sled one half of the time, and you the other half. That way it will all be fair, and I don't have to put up with this crying. I've already got seven others to take care of.

Anna: I do, Mom. I have Fred (younger brother) go up, and I go down!

Mom: Good. Now how 'bout the rest of you go play outside? It's beautiful out there! It's the warmest it's been all year, 45 degrees below 0!

Kids: Wow! I never thought it would warm up! I love Alaska!



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, dummy. The joke is that the mom thinks her kids are playing fair with the sled, but Anna is just sending her brother up the hill and going down herself. Then the mom tells them to go play outside in ridiculously cold weather, and the kids are excited because it's "warming up" to 45 below zero. Get it? Probably not, you're too busy eating paste.

Comments (1)

Sorry, I got bored...