

I got raped by my therapist... now I know where the name comes from!

Comments (23)


@Gwen I respect you… :) @Rape why are being like this? Therapists HELP rape victims. You don’t know how much these ‘jokes’ could mean for a rape victim. Imagine yourself in their shoes. Their lives have already been destroyed and you only make it worse. I doubt you’d laugh about this.

Thanks! I also agree with you. It's not funny to joke about rape. Not even if you're trying to make someone feel better (which is kind of stupid because they just got raped) I'm 11 years old, my mom told me all about the origin of babies, including rape, right? I just got it from a movie she was watching that had to do with it. Really stupid to make a joke about rape or being raped. It is also something terrible, disgusting, unpleasant and violent. I remember once becoming introvertible from l

Thanks! I also agree with you. It's not funny to joke about rape. Not even if you're trying to make someone feel better (which is kind of stupid because they just got raped) I'm 11 years old, my mom told me all about the origin of babies, including rape, right? I just got it from a movie she was watching that had to do with it.

Sorry I did not have a lot to fit

Really stupid to make a joke about rape or being raped. It is also something terrible, disgusting, unpleasant and violent. I remember once becoming introvertible from looking for rape jokes. Note: I am a nice, kind and cute person, but sometimes I can be a brat!


People getting offended by these rape jokes- you need to learn to separate a joke about a bad thing and the actual bad thing. There’s a difference. Also, rape jokes actually help victims if they choose to let it help them (it’s helped me, and it’s how I survive)

I will never look at therapy the same now JESUS THIS WAS BAD

@Gwen The fact that you're 11 makes a lotta sense

@Naw mate he/she might be young but they’re definitely occupying a brain that actually make sense unlike yours

@Naw mate he/she might be young but they’re definitely occupying a brain that actually make sense unlike yours

Rape that it's a bad thing, so how can you laugh at the harm it's not funny, the same aren't funny jokes about castration because it's also harm if someone laughs such things, I need the help of a psychologist

@Gwen kill yourself already you whore! you're nothing but a snowflake. Just die

Holy s**t Anonymous! What the heck!? You’re telling an 11 year old to kill herself? What is wrong with you?!

Jack I know right..the people on this website excusing a few decent people are just awful. You should never tell an 11 year old, or anyone for that matter, to kill themself.

@Jack so what if I told her? It doesnt matter if shes 11 years old. Shes still a cunt and a bitch

Why is everyone so offended? These are JOKES!

Personally, I find some of these funny. The part I object to is the whole telling-a-child-to-kill-themselves thing.