Why was the guitar teacher arrested?
For fingering a minor.
Why was the guitar teacher arrested?
For fingering a minor.
A-flat minor
This joke really tickled my pickle. Honestly i fell quite aroused by it. I wonder if the minor was male or female, i feel this bit of information would give this post more quality. I also suggest adding in a guitar pick somewhere, trust me putting it in a penis doesn't work I tired with my students.
Thanks for listening to my advice - suckedoffyoursonforviews - crooger - ben lafonatne
Sounds like Karl Logan from Manowar
It was a pun you stupid ass. A minor is a note on a guitar.
you stole that from Jared dines
I've seen many minors - mine is in D minor
kid named finger:
I had no idea that edp445 was a guitar teacher
No my orchestra teacher literally had this happen to him
favorite of whole site fellow scum of the earth