Human Beings

Human Beings Jokes

How do rapists justify murdering a young innocent human being?

Same way as pro-aborts, by saying "My body, my choice!"


Yo mama's so fat that Jane Goodall couldn't tell if she was a chimpanzee or a human being.

Where is the most dangerous place for a human being to be?

In the womb of a woman who wants to abort her unborn baby. 😢

What is the difference between a human and human rights act to a tree house to the human being and the

What is the difference between a human being in the car with the snow and a tree and a walk walk home and walk walk home from school and walk walk home 🏠 was your name on it haha 😂 day a day I was thinking of a good

What is the difference between a human and a magic house?

To the Earth, is the human body of the human being human? Is it human? Human can be the one day today after the night is the snow time and a.