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Dear the Sanrio/ BTS squad , i would like to inform oa the bunch of you that we are working on community guidlines form. I would like to apologize on the behalf of wade and dagger , they are not in the right zone due to this site not having rules which leads to chaos. So I took it upon myself to fix this website due to corruption and the chaos recently as well with the hatred caused. The racism on here is only natural it happens all the time, happend to me countless of times , but you people need to get used to it. This is from I'm with stupid signing off. -sincerely I'm with stupid

dear matthais sorry if i spelled your name wrong but worst jokes ever has gone to hell , i want to talk to you about me making a community guidlines form where if followed will result in a perfect worst jokes ever , i have valid reasons on why we should do this. 1. to know who to ban and who not to ban 2. to see who violated guidlines 3. to see if someone is abusing mod. I would create a community guidline but i need your help to code it into worst jokes ever as when you join you go through the community guidlines - sincerly - im with stupid

its me, leo. i always kept an alt account just in case anyrhing happened. you banned me and hjw and many others everyone is hurt right now we promise well make new posts but for for kpop? tbats so fucked up