What do you call a dude that is always high and gets higher than everyone else in the family? The alpha pothead!
Me in 2078 when the COVID-19 delta alpha theta beta cya layta alligayta nlgga chungus sussy deef clussy sussy bussy cunnybrap variant comes out and I need to stay in lockdown for another 2 years with my new mandated virus stopper buttplug 9000
"White beta males and fake alpha males are a joke that goes for POC men too."
What flies around the school at night?
Say this out loud: Alpha Kenny One.
Where do Eagles send their childrens to study? The Alpha birds
Tell some one to say alpha and then kennyone. Tell them to say it very fast. Tell them it sounded like they said " I'll f**k any one!"
What did A say to Y? - You can not be alpha like me. :) Y said-Why? (Y)