What is the New York fireman's favourite song....
It’s raining men
What is the New York fireman's favourite song....
It’s raining men
When I was watching my daughter at the park earlier, another parent asked a man, "Which one is yours?" and he replied, "I ́m still choosing." She looked horrified.
What’s the difference between women and cars? At least cars retained some their values after getting wrecked
Who cooks in a lesbian relationship? Neither one of them, they eat out
what do you call a ice skating dwarf?
a midget spinner
Genealogist looks at the family tree a gynecologist Looks up the family bush.
What do you do when a woman is choking? Back up a couple inches
Why did the dick go insane Someone kept messing with his head
What does a pregnant slave and a pay less sale have in common? Buy one get one free
What has eight legs and doesn’t rape children? The Jackson 4
Boobs are like friends you have big ones small ones real ones fake ones, but they all get taken out by cancer
Boobs are like friends you have big ones small ones real ones fake ones, but they all get taken out by cancer
What do you Call a guy that’s high in a wheelchair A baked potato
Why does OSHA require women to wear panties? Because every manhole needs a cover