The man who invented Velcro died Rip
Shower thoughts
What do you call a really fat psychic 4chin Teller
I never forget my grandpa's last words.
"Are you still holding the ladder?"
What is George Floyd’s? Best pick up line Your breathtaking
What do you call a lesbian with braces? A box cutter
I asked my mom what is dark humor. She said "see them boy over there in the wheelchair, ask him to walk." I said, "but I’m blind." She responded, "Exactly."
What is a necrophiliac safe word I’m alive
Why can't Jesus judge gay people?
He got nailed right before he died.
They say you should love your neighbor. Does that mean I have to love the president
They say there is strength in numbers. Tell that to the people in the World Trade Center.
How are corpses like pools?
Once you get in, it's only cold for like a minute.
Do you know why they call me battery saver I get turned on when it’s below 10
What do priests give children? Syphilis
Why can’t you take an Asian guy golfing? Because you can’t drive Every time he does, he tries to put a hole-in-one
What’s the difference between Usain Bolt and hitler
Usain finished the races
Why do you Scotchmen wear kilts?
Because sheep can hear zipper from a mile away
What is the difference between your dad and a video game? Your dad doesn’t beat you
What is a terrorist first move in chest C4
Did you hear about that Muslim party?
It was a blast!
My best friend was Was recently gunned down in a drive-by shooting and died a virgin, but he wasn’t buried one