What’s one thing women need to know nowadays? Their place
Shower thoughts
I just prevented an 11-year-old from getting assaulted I decided to go home
I feel bad for the kids at Sandy Hook all they wanted was books but got magazines instead
Sex is like pizza.
When it’s hot, it’s great.
When it’s cold, it’s still pretty good.
Why do people hit their electronics when they don’t work? You keep the tradition of hitting black things
What do you call a black abortion clinic? Crime stoppers
What song does Kobe Bryant hate Rocky Mountain high
Did you know Paul Walker was a method actor? He took his role very seriously as a human torch.
My son told me he wanted to be Batman when he grows up that little shit wants to be gone down an alley
Why do Native Americans hate snow?
Because it's white and on their land.
Why are camels known as ships of the desert? Because they’re full of Arab semen
Why is it that skinny man love fat woman? Because we need warmth in the winter and shade in the summer
What’s the difference between a gay guy and a microwave? A microwave doesn’t brown your meat
Why don’t Indians play soccer? Because every time they’re at the corner, they built a store
How do you know Adam and Eve were white? Have you ever tried taking a rip from black women?
When cops say you the right to remain silent
You’re just happy you have the right to do something
What are the three worst years of a black child's life?
First grade!
What do you call a shoe made by George Floyd?
The Breath Takers.
What do Nike and the KKK have in common?
They both make Black people run faster.
If you are what you eat Why is Jeffrey Dahmer white