What did Chris Brown say the first time he saw Rihanna I’d hit that
Shower thoughts
My woman is a nine on a bad day, but she’ll be 10 on her birthday
Sparkling water was invented by Germans who else would add gas
Why do Black people not like country music? Because every time they hear hoedown, they think their sister got shot
What is the worst part about siblings having sex? Being left out
I used to date this girl only to find out she’s guy. I guess you can say she had me in a trans.
If Kamala Harris is Indian, why doesn’t she have that dot on her head? So she claims to be
And the only black color I know is when you shut off the lights
What’s the opposite of Stephen Hawking, Stephen walking
Yesterday during The storm there was a blackout, so I shot him
Why is Christianity the most dramatic religion? Because other religions say do do do But Christianity says done done done
I heard P. Diddy got a job as a defensive coordinator He’s used to penetrating aggressively
What song did Michael Jackson come up with after his first sleepover with the kid? Just beat it
About a month ago, I was at my best friend’s funeral and I told him bitches always come and go. He’ll looked to me kinda mad kinda confused and said that’s my mom dude
Why is Jeffrey Epstein so bad at races Because he comes in a little behind
What do strippers and butter have in common? Both spread for bread
Have a pregnant lady murders someone does the child get an assist
What does nail polish and panties have in common? Both come off with alcohol
Walking with a friend the in the dark is better than walking alone in the in the light
I just prevented a 10-year-old from getting assaulted Nothing much I just decided to go home
What’s the difference between a cancer patient and British news reporter in south They usually don’t live to tell the tale