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What is the difference between a preschool and my basement?

Little kids leave preschool.


What's a depressed person's favorite drink?

Depresso expresso

Jk Its bleach

How did the dude with epilepsy win the break dancing competition?

He saw flashing lights

My family is like treasure. You need a shovel and a map to find them.

Why cant homeless people be gay?

They dont have a closet to get out of

what do pedophiles and Xboxs have in common?

They both get turned on by kids

When I called the suicide hotline in Afghanistan, they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

What is red and tan and spins for about 50mph??

A baby in a blender

how many babies does it take to paint a wall?

Depends how hard you throw them

The judge asked me "How does 5 to 10 years sound?" I said “Sexy.”

My girlfriend keeps calling me a pedophile. That’s a big word for a six year old.

What's the difference between my dad and cancer?

My dad didn't beat cancer

This not even a joke its a serious question.... Is eating ass considered cannabilism?

What’s the best thing about Alzheimer’s?

You can hide your own Easter Eggs!!

Why don’t witches wear underwear?

To get a better grip on their broom

Why cant Juice Wrld play Black Ops II ? Because he cant handle 6 perks

why cant orphans go to sleepovers?

Their parents never say yes

What do Phillips adam and Kurt Cobain have in common?

They both used their brains to paint the ceiling