A few days after her husband’s death, a widow accidentally receives an email from a man waiting for his wife in Spain. The email reads: „Dearest Wife, just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P. S. It’s really hot down here“.
Did Delaware a New Jersey? Idaho Alaska
What it actually means (Did dela wear a New Jersey? I don’t know I’ll ask her) Ps. My dad is a history teacher and he told me to put this in here
Ps. My brother made this up when he had no meds.... I almost died 😅
What does ATM stand for........
Answer: Amy’s Terrible Mom
sister. your ugly other sister. im not ypur reflection
ps. sorryif it is not funny
1) What was Techno's reaction when he died
2) Where did all the orphans go!
PS: In case you don't get it, it's a pedophile joke, cuz he is one!
Why can orphans give all you people posting all these stupid orphan jokes over and over again a good kick in the face?
Well what are you gonna do tell their parents?
ps. Stop posting stupid orphan jokes over and over again.
Gemini, it is you who is trying to start such a big mess for no reason. I never said it had a charm or a lead roll. I just want love and spread kindness. PS: I use my brain. I use it all the time. Just for your information. I just hope we can be friends.
I hope I'm not a big pain, but Jordan C, please stop bothering me about my age! I know I am 8 years old, but enough. Then you make jokes about how smart I am and intimidate me because of my name. I don't remember intimidating you for anything. So please, with all due respect, stop.
PS It's not for drama, it's because you're bullying me for nothing. I come here just to joke or be nice to people, not for the drama. So please again. Stop. That is all I ask.
Thank you.
Dear prince. Gwen is dating aiden! I can tell by the emojis! She does not like u or the why u talk to her not one bit! Ps. She is and will always be dating aiden! Leave a comment
Let’s try and make this joke the most liked and commented on this website. (Ps, you made need to say it out loud to get it) I went to a zoo and there was no people and there was one dog. It was a shit-zoo.
Why was the clown sad?
He broke his funny bone. PS: "funny bone" is not actually a bone.
once, I tried to say, "ps. pp. that's funny right there". instead, I said, you guessed it, "penis!
apparently imma category for jokes now. hmm... ok! #HOMIEZ4Life
P.S. Say "crack my finger", now say it backwords:)
What did Stephen hawking love that couldn't move? himself ps particularly his whole body I was gonna say his legs but then I remembered he was fully paralysed and was like shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
I was kissin my gal when the phone rang. I awnsered it and it was a prank. I walked into the room when my girl had sex with me. Then we cumed the house full XD
Ps free sex at my name