Random Message From Stranger

this guy randomly messaged me, but i legit have no idea who tf he is lmao

A message from Henry Clark says: "Hey, I think you are super beautiful and my type. How r u?"


Comments (22)

has he said anything else?

he ghosted lol

Comment deleted by 3m0 Rice

Kai you are kinda cringe you are not special plenty of people like anime and are tired

and being an introvert is not the same as being "qurky"

being a introvert is just if you like to near a lot of people or not

Also that guy that talked to you is for sure a child preditor

choatic choas.

i never said i was quirky.

i really dont like being near people IRL

why tf do you think im on here so much

I don’t like Being near people irl either, unless they’re my best friend, or I like them very much, or if they have same interests as me! (If they’re an autistic person, like me) I am very picky about persons.


Also that guy that talked to you is for sure a child preditor

you think your good at roasts but your not so go live a fcking life off of here because your making it worse for everyone by showign yourself and your bull sh*t