Yo Mama COVID Test




The humor comes from the absurdity of studying for a COVID-19 test, which is not a test you can prepare for by studying. The implication is that the mother is not smart because she thinks she can prepare for the test by studying like she would for a school test.

Comments (55)

Yo mama so stupid she got hit by a parked car

Yo mama so stupid she studied for her blood test.

Yo mama so stupid she studied for her drug test.

Yo mama so stupid she studied for her eye test.

Yo mama so stupid she asked me what the phone number for 911 was.

Yo mama so stupid she thought Dunkin Donuts was a basketball team.

Yo mama so stupid that when she saw the drive-thru sign at Burger King, she drove through the building.

Yo mama so stupid that she wore a coat to Dairy Queen because of all of the blizzards.

Yo mama so stupid that it takes her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.

Yo mama so stupid that she sits on the TV and watches the couch.

Yo mama so stupid that she stepped on a crack and broke her own back.

Yo mama so stupid that it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.

Yo mama so dumb that when your father said that it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a bowl and a spoon.

Yo mama so dumb that she went to the dentist to get a Bluetooth

Yo mama so old she breastfeeds powder.

Yo mama so old her social security number is 1.

Yo mama so old that they did not teach history when she was in school.

Yo mama so old she has a photo of George Washington carved into her yearbook.

Yo mama so old her last name was "Osaurus."

Yo mama so old she babysat Yoda.

Yo mama so old her memory is in black and white.

Yo mama so old she knew Burger King when he was still just a prince.

Yo mama so old that her birth certificate expired.

Yo mama so old that her first Christmas was literally the first Christmas.

Yo mama so old that her favorite movie is the first one ever made.

Yo mama so old that her birth certificate says doctor "Jesus."

Yo mama so old that she watched the birth of Jesus.

Yo mama so old that I slapped her in the back and her tits fell off.

Yo mama so old that she sat next to Jesus in sophomore year.

Yo mama so old that when I took a picture, it came out in black and white.

Yo mama so old that when she fell I did not laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.

Yo mama so fat that when she skips a meal, the stock market drops.

Yo mama so fat that it took me 2 buses and a train to get to her good side.

Yo mama so fat that when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.

Yo mama so fat that if she buys a fur coat, a whole species will become extinct.

Yo mama so fat that when she wears high heels, she strikes oil.

Yo mama so fat that when she stepped on the scale, my phone number came up.

Yo mama so fat that not even Dora has time to explore her.

Yo mama so fat that when she talks to herself, its a long-distance call.

Yo mama so fat that when she gets in the elevator, she has to go down.

Yo mama so fat that when she left the house this morning, she was wearing high heels, and when she came back to the house later that day, she was wearing flipflops.

Yo mama so fat that her blood type is Nutella.

Yo mama so stupid that she stared at a cup of orange juice for 4 hours because it said "concentrate" on the package.

Yo mama so stupid that she tried to eat Eminem.

Yo mama so stupid that she went to the eye doctor to get an iPhone.

Yo mama so stupid that she climbed over a glass wall just so she could see what was on the other side.

Yo mama so stupid that she got locked in the grocery store and then she starved to death.

Yo mama so stupid that she got locked in the mattress store and then she slept on the floor.