The Blind Man and the Blonde Crowd

A blind man walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bartender replies with, "I'm blonde, the man working next to me is blonde, the woman next to you is blonde, and the fat guy behind you is blonde." Then says, "Do you really wanna tell the blonde joke?" The blind guy responds with, "No, I don't wanna tell it that many times."




The humor comes from the blind man's obliviousness to the fact that everyone around him is blonde. He assumes he would only tell the joke once and is surprised by how many times he would have to repeat it.

Comments (8)

Good one

How do you kill a blonde? Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.

What is the difference between a blonde and a mosquito u slap the mosquito and it stops sucking

guys, this joke is other words stop being dumbfucs and make up different jokes