Superman has been called to a huge house fire.
Superman: "There you are ma'am, everyone out and all safe!"
Mother: "But my children are still inside! You need to go back an--"
Superman: "Ah fuck'em..."
Alright, listen up, numbskull! So, Superman, right? He's supposed to be this do-gooder, saving everyone and their grandma. But in this joke, he's a total jerk. He saves the house and then tells the mom to screw her kids when he learns they're still inside. It's funny because it's the opposite of what you'd expect from Superman. He literally said "fuck'em" to some kids in a burning building! You are just jealous because you can't fly or shoot lasers from your eyes. And your hairline is receding. Sad!
Reminds me of The Boys. You should watch it